Monday, February 11, 2013

Reflection #14

A Teacher Can Make A Difference


Reminiscing the moments that we had this night, the movie clips were all heart-warming and heart-touching. Most of it really made us brought into somewhat tears not of joy but of realization. Realization of how blessed we really are in that room compared to the children we have seen in the clips. 


When most of the time we complain about the food, the shelter, the clothing while opposite of the world we are living are embracing the famine and loss of everything they need.

 Let us complain less, and give more!


In lieu with this,  teachers can have a big part in making a difference. What the learners need is not the academics but their need is the teacher's compassion for teaching them. Compassion makes a lot of differences. I have seen the videos or rather the slideshow of pictures in which there are programs to help children and their parents in terms of livelihood. We could ask, "Where do the programs PARDO and SARDO come from?" But the answer is out from the compassion of the teachers to help children learn and to help their parents make a living.


From the story of the Four Candles, even though a teacher may have lost its faith, peace, and love, but a candle of Hope is undying, then the teacher's heart of compassion would never end also. How amazing it is for the Almighty Creator to have thought of creating a teacher that a kindle of Hope doesn't fall out. Because of hope, compassion to the learners is always present, it never dies.


For a teacher to be a maker of difference, one thing I've realized is not to complain. Complain less and give more.  Complain less of the hard work in letting them understand a lesson, complain less of the sacrifices to be patient, complain less of being the head instead give more love, give more understanding, give more gentleness, give more patience, give more self-control, give more joy, and give more smiles. It takes hope to have compassion.


What shall we do then, but to have the first step in making a difference. I remembered my late mother, in her employment as a government teacher, I had never heard her and seen her complain concerning the authorities above her. In my mom's burial, her Principal even testified to this, that one can never see and hear her complain, maybe that explains why on her burial, as much as my mom in her compassion have touched the heart of many people, many witnessed it.


it is high time to follow my mom's footsteps. Thank you Father God for this learning in which it enlightens my mind to see things the way You want me to see it.

To God be the glory!


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