Wednesday, January 9, 2013

reflection #9

Component 3 and 4 of the

Components of Curriculum and Curricular Approaches:

Curriculum Experiences & Curriculum Evaluation

The heart of the curriculum is the instructional strategies and methods.

        This component talks about the guidelines for selecting and using such instructional tactic to implement the designed curriculum. This is then the teaching and learning process where both the teacher and the learner take actions to make possible the learning.

        With Ma’am Olga, she talked about teaching methods that these are ways to achieve or accomplish the objectives or the aim of a certain subject matter. Also, I’ve learned the factors affecting the effectiveness of a teaching method and namely, these are the learners, the environment and the teachers of course. Furthermore, teaching methods are not just to develop the mind, but the whole humanity of an individual.   

        Additionally, the learner’s need is a major reason in selecting which teaching method should be used. What’s more is that the teaching method to be used should be accommodating to the situation and to the need of the teaching-learning process.

        In the company also of our instructor, she classified to us the difference of evaluation and assessment. Evaluation means the measurement of learning while the assessment is the gathering of information of the finished evaluation. There are also components of evaluation, to be precise; we have the Stufflebeam’s CIPP - the Context, which refers to us the real location where the curriculum is working; the Input in which we can see the learners, the teachers, the goals, the instructional strategies, the contents and all the materials needed; the Process refers to how the curriculum has been put into action and the Product which shows if the curriculum has achieved its purposes.

     Though the four components of a curriculum are diverse yet they are interrelated, interconnected and unified to each other.